Wherefore Art Thou Meaning?

"Wherefore Art Thou Meaning?" Many times while reading Shakespeare this is the main question on my mind. Through my own pondering & writing and hopefully some comments from others, I hope to find some answers.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thoughts on Ophelia Project

I have been exploring ways to apply my paper on Ophelia to a modern issue.  While talking with Dr. Burton last semester, we had a few thoughts on what I could do.  One idea that has been clicking was actually the issue with my own paper.  All of my blog posts with pictures of Ophelia allowed my blog readers to be able to connect with her character.  Both Dr. Burton and I felt that my paper would be better if I could use different media sources to compliment my ideas.  Media sources are not currently an accepted part of an academic research paper.  My idea is to revamp my research paper with complimentary material, including a puppet show to illustrate the power struggle experience by Ophelia and other characters in Hamlet, along with the student's creativity being challenged by the rigid structure of the classic academic paper.  This idea for a puppet show came from a post on Google+.

Apr 24, 2012  -  Public
Best/Worst Idea: A production of HAMLET, where half the characters are puppets. Ophelia is operated by Polonius. Claudius and Getrude control Rosencratz and Guilderstern. Laretes gets his own puppeteer, until the end, where he slips comfortably on Claudius's hand. Hamlet is both a puppet and and actor, thereby allowing him to talk to himself properly. #HAMLETpuppetshow

I want to also include interactive material such as questionnaires, pictures, mini presentations, quizzes, videos, discussions, etc. to allow readers of my paper to better understand my ideas and though process about Ophelia, control, and social roles.  If anyone has any ideas to make this idea work, I would love your input.

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